Insights from Konica Minolta. Comment by Olaf Lorenz, Senior General Manager, Digital Transformation Division, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe
The world of production print will never get the same type of headline-grabbing attention like other sectors of technology, for example Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IOT), but it continues to evolve as an effective communication tool.
As we head towards a new year, we see accelerated automation, greater use of embellishment and the continued growth in online print purchasing and development of web shops among key drivers. What we can confidently predict even in these still-unprecedented times is that the unstoppable trend from analogue to digital production will continue.
Print is a vital part of cross-channel communications
Demand will continue to increase for complete start-to-finish manufacturing process with more all-in-one solutions, as well as a need for production devices that need fewer and less-skilled operators. And print will continue to play a vital part in cross-channel communications, including evolving areas such as robotics, IoT, AI and mobile devices.
The evolution of print technology means that it is used beyond graphical and packaging applications. Increasingly it is used in areas such as wallpaper, laminated printing and décor. Inkjet textiles, ceramic printing, printed electronics, glass, automotive and transport, life sciences and biomedical are areas that forward-thinking printers may look to enter.
Helping brands to satisfy the changing demands of their own customers
Brands will also increasingly use digital to provide more engagement and greater interest in their products – all in a more sustainable environment. Responding quickly with highly automated systems producing small quantities is a way of succeeding, helping brands to satisfy the rapidly changing demands of their own customers.
Simplifying production to meet rapid response demands
Aligning strategies and tactics with the forces influencing competition and customer expectations are essential, while at the same time simplifying production to meet rapid response demands from an ever-more discerning client base. Software is also a crucial component in the desire for increased profitability.