Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) announced that the company was designated as a DX Certified Business Operator under the DX Certification System established by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). This designation signifies official recognition of Konica Minolta’s across-the-board initiatives towards digital transformation (DX), which include: promoting DX efforts to shift to highly profitable businesses; incorporating a clear commitment to solving social issues in its corporate management policy; developing specific plans for use of its digital technologies, such as a plan to create new values by combining its proprietary imaging IoT platform with relevant data; and establishing a post of Executive Officer responsible for Digital Transformation.

The DX Certification System was established to promote DX on a society-wide basis, especially in the industrial sector. Under this system, the Japanese government certifies companies that comply with the basic matters of the Digital Governance Code
under the Act on Facilitation of Information Processing.

Being a DX Certified Business Operator will be a prerequisite for applying for selection under the DX stock selection program conducted jointly by METI and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Based on DX2022, its medium-term business strategy, Konica Minolta is currently in the process of shifting the focus of its business from selling products to offering high value-added service: DX as a Service. To be specific, Konica Minolta is striving to evolve its products into “Smart Connected Products” that are networked with various devices and allow information collected at customers’ sites to be converted into digital data and analysed by imaging IoT technologies, in which the company excels. In so doing, the company aims to visualise the invisible to meet the customers’ desire to see, and to offer services that help customers solve their issues.

Konica Minolta is resolved to shift to highly profitable businesses through DX and, at the same time, create solutions to social issues based on its five material issues
. For each of these issues, the company has set a vision for 2030 and formulated measures to achieve the vision as part of DX2020. The company thus aims to promote efforts to create value through its business on the one hand and through its corporate activities on the other, with a view to creating environmental and social value as well as economic value.

Konica Minolta plans to set KPIs for each material issue in terms of the “impacts of solving environmental and social issues,” and “contribution to profitability” and manage the progress of its initiatives in light of these KPIs.

Links to related websites

DX2022, medium-term business strategy:

Five material issues


Digital Governance Code is a guideline set by METI for corporate management to follow to enhance corporate value amid the progress of DX.

Konica Minolta clarified social and environmental issues likely to arise by 2030 by examining the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and macro trends, conducted a materiality analysis from the perspectives of social and environmental issues that must be solved and the company’s business growth, and redefined five new material issues for the company to tackle. These are: “Improving fulfilment in work and corporate dynamism,” “Supporting healthy, high-quality living,” “Ensuring social safety and security,” “Addressing climate change” and “Using limited resources effectively.”



Melanie Olbrich
Melanie Olbrich

Senior Corporate Communications & Content Manager