Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) was awarded Silver Class in SAM Sustainability Award by the U.S.-based S&P Global, the globally recognised provider of researches and ratings in ESG investment. Konica Minolta has been included in SAM Sustainability Award for nine years in a row since 2013.

As a globally leading research and rating in ESG investment, S&P Global’s SAM Sustainability Award analyses more than 7,000 large corporations worldwide. Konica Minolta was evaluated in the three dimensions “Governance & Economic”, “Environmental” and “Social” and in the following categories it has earned the highest score:

  • Materiality (Governance & Economic Dimension)
  • Tax Strategy (Governance & Economic Dimension)
  • Innovation Management (Governance & Economic Dimension)
  • Privacy Protection (Governance & Economic Dimension)
  • Environmental Reporting (Environmental Dimension)
  • Environmental Policy & Management (Environmental Dimension)
  • Product Stewardship (Environmental Dimension)
  • Climate Strategy (Environmental Dimension)
  • Social Reporting (Social Dimension)
  • Talent Attraction & Retention (Social Dimension)

In 2021, 242 companies, including 22 Japanese companies, were ranked in its Gold, Silver and Bronze Classes.

Reference: Evaluation by external parties

Konica Minolta is currently included in global ESG indexes and is ranked high in the ESG ratings, as shown below.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (USA)

World Index (DJSI World): Included in the index consecutively since 2012
Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific): Included in the index consecutively since 2009

FTSE4Good Index Series (UK)

Included in the index consecutively since 2003

FTSE Blossom Japan Index (UK)

Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017

MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index (USA)

Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017

MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (USA)

Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index (USA, Japan)

Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2018

S&P Global (USA)

Included in SAM Sustainability Award consecutively since 2013 (Four times as Gold and five times as Silver)

Corporate Knights (Canada)

Ranked among the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World (2011, 2019, 2020 and 2021)

ISS-oekom (Germany)

Maintained the highest Prime Status since 2011

Ethibel (Belgium)

Selected for the investment universe of Ethibel Pioneer and Ethibel Excellence (May 2020)


Included on the Climate A List (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2020)



Melanie Olbrich
Melanie Olbrich

Senior Corporate Communications & Content Manager