• Managed Print Services

    Make printing work for your business

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Print infrastructure that supports people, processes and productivity

Efficient devices, effective management, controllable costs

Does your current printing and scanning infrastructure help or hinder your business? Can your people count on printers, scanners and copiers being reliable and ready to use every time? How easy is it to manage print costs and consumables? Are documents left lying in printer output trays, potentially exposing confidential or sensitive information to prying eyes? Does your IT team have to spend too much time fixing hardware problems?

Working with a specialist managed print services (MPS) provider helps you do away with everyday issues and make printing and scanning an efficient and high-performance service that helps everyone to be more productive. Even if you're moving away from paper and towards more digital ways of working, a reliable MPS will provide the supporting foundation for digitalised processes and location-independent working.

When you choose Konica Minolta, our consultants will work with you to analyse your needs and design the managed print solution that's right for you. As part of the analysis, our consultants can perform an environmental audit of your current printer fleet using our bizWORKPLACE tool that will reveal aspects like energy and consumables consumption.

Based on our Optimized Print Services (OPS) portfolio of devices, software and services, maintenance expertise and workflow management, your comprehensive MPS solution will help make printing and scanning a secure, cost-effective and user-friendly service your organisation can count on. On top of that, we'll make sure it's continuously refined to keep pace as your business needs evolve.

Benefits of managed print services


Increase user productivity
with more reliable, efficient printing and scanning devices


Enhance information security
by requiring users to authenticate at the MFP to print their documents


Cut costs and waste
by reducing unwanted and unnecessary printing through authentication, rules-based printing, and insights that help to optimise printing habits


Reduce the burden on IT teams
with outsourced maintenance and remote support 


Streamline mobile and guest printing
without compromising security


Transition to more environmentally friendly
printers and printing processes 


Support digital transformation
with smart scanning devices that can integrate with digital document storage and other business process systems


Support cloud migration
with secure, flexible cloud print infrastructure that replaces onsite print servers

7 key areas that shape the smart office

What makes an office smart? What means smart working, and how does the MFP relate to it? We have defined 7 key areas, all shaping the way we are working today and tomorrow: Connectivity, Universal Design, Security, File sharing & collaboration, Document capture & Management, Panel customisation as well as Cloud & Mobile Printing. Sounds complicated? It's not, with our smart Office Solutions.

Answers to your questions

Get reliable managed print services that are right for you

When you choose Konica Minolta as your MPS partner, you benefit from our years of experience in the printing and scanning space, combined with our commitment to ongoing technological innovation, information security, and sustainability.

Industry analysts recognise the quality of our MPS solutions. Quocirca named us a
market leader for managed print services
and as a
major player in cloud print services
. Our bizhub i-Series won
multiple Buyers Lab (BLI) awards
from Keypoint Intelligence, for reliability, quality and usability in particular; and we won
further BLI awards
for our print and document management solutions. In addition, we're recognised as a
leader in print security
, while our MFPs have been shown to exceed industry standard for
cybersecurity compliance

Quocirca Managed Print Services Landscape 2023

Konica Minolta has been named a ‘Leader’ in Managed Print Services (MPS) by Quocirca for a third consecutive year in its Managed Print Services, 2023 report. The industry analyst has identified cost, security and sustainability as the top print management challenges, and highlights Konica Minolta’s key differentiators in these areas.

Quocirca Managed Print Services Landscape 2023

Use the Energy Saving Potential of Our bizhub Devices

Saving energy is more important than ever - both at home and in the office. That´s why we want to give you some useful tips on how you can save power and resources by modifying the way you print and use the Konica Minolta office devices. 

To use the energy potential of our devices, we recommend special power save settings, which are highly effective while guaranteeing remote management capability for the devices.  

And we also have additional tips to share on how to further optimise printing and reduce print-related waste. 


HGO Portugal: Print monitoring allows to know all costs associated with print services in real time

Located on the south of Tejo River, Portugal, Garcia de Horta has been the most important hospital. In addition to all the technology that is integrated, Garcia de Horta also has other technologies that help in the daily management of the hospital. Facing the challenge to monitor the printing part, the technological platform implemented by Konica Minolta, now allows to know in real time all the costs associated with printing services.

NAVIGATOR Portugal: Standardisised print fleet with full cost visibility

The company Navigator is a reference in the production of pulp and paper spread over several countries. Facing a dispersion of the organisation led to a number of management challenges, particularly in the printing fleet. Looking for a technical solution to standardise the fleet and the printing services, Konica Minolta provided a unique solution for the printing fleet, where the company has now the full visibility of the costs related to printing and to the confidentiality of data.

SONAE Portugal: Central control and distribution of print services

Sonae is composed by a group of companies in the most diverse areas. The company faces new challenges regarding the search for new technological platform implementations. Having a large network of stores with local systems for the control and distribution of print services was proving inefficient, so Konica Minolta provided a centralised solution, where now Sonea’s information systems department is in charge for all the technological infrastructure of the Group’s retail area.

Schloss Elmau Germany: How the IT transformation helped to organise two G7 summits

The Hotel & Spa Schloss Elmau, located in the south of Germany in the Alps, has a total of 162 rooms and suites and is not only a place of relaxation, but also a place of encounters. With its managed IT services and the appropriate IT infrastructure, Konica Minolta helped to organise the two G7 summits in 2015 and 2022 at Schloss Elmau. Discover an impressive chapter of a successful collaboration.

More Success Stories

Arquia Banca: Pushing the digital transformation with optimised printing processes
Arquia Banca: Pushing the digital transformation with optimised printing processes
BKF University: Print accounting and integrated printing facilities
BKF University: Print accounting and integrated printing facilities
BMW Group: Automative industry printing infrastructure and document workflow solutions on a global scale
BMW Group: Automative industry printing infrastructure and document workflow solutions on a global scale
Galnaftogaz: Outsourcing the printing process with the help of a strong and reliable partner since eight years
Galnaftogaz: Outsourcing the printing process with the help of a strong and reliable partner since eight years
EuroHold: Clear and transparent business processes
EuroHold: Clear and transparent business processes
Institute Hydroproject: Optimizing the print infrastructure
Institute Hydroproject: Optimizing the print infrastructure
Inter Milan: Sustainable printing and video solutions
Inter Milan: Sustainable printing and video solutions

Further reading

Why your business should be embracing the exciting benefits of mobile print
Why your business should be embracing the exciting benefits of mobile print
Much of the workforce across Europe has embraced the agility and flexibility of hybrid working, choosing to work from a business or organisation’s workplace, a dedicated home office, or indeed any other location which is suitable and convenient for them to be productive and strike the right work/life balance.
Ensure your business stays competitive in the Hybrid Working world with Managed Print Services
Ensure your business stays competitive in the Hybrid Working world with Managed Print Services
The post-pandemic workplace landscape has seen remarkable changes. Although many businesses have made a full return to the office, figures from analyst Quocirca show that 27% of employees are still fully working remotely, whilst 32% are hybrid working between the office and home.
Six ways to reduce the environmental impact of your print infrastructure
Six ways to reduce the environmental impact of your print infrastructure
Tackling climate change and the environmental impact is vital and something that everyone can play their part in helping to achieve. Thankfully, there is already a keen awareness of these requirements - according to Quocirca’s Future of Work Spotlight on Sustainability 2025 report (based on the views of 1,021 office workers and 521 IT decision makers), 71% say environmental issues and sustainability will be important or extremely important to their business by 2025.
Top 3 tips to unleash the power of smart printing solutions
Top 3 tips to unleash the power of smart printing solutions
One of the major challenges that small business owners often face is maintaining and improving productivity. In this article, we will explore how you can unleash the power of smart printing solutions to boost productivity and efficiency in your workplace. From customisable settings to seamless integration with cloud applications, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights on how to optimise your printing process.
How SMBs can prevent the security vulnerabilities associated with their printed documents
How SMBs can prevent the security vulnerabilities associated with their printed documents
A recent study by Quocirca has revealed serious gaps in the security of printed documents at small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). But what measures can SMBs take to increase document security?
Easy guide to secure, simple printing practices
Easy guide to secure, simple printing practices
In our last blog article “Are you confident in the security of your printers?” we discussed why organisations should not neglect print security and instead make it their priority.

Learn how Managed Print Services can help your business