The European digital printing industry is desperate for skilled workers. There is a talent war. Workers are in high demand. Find out how to find talent and retain excellent employees for your workforce in this blog. Konica Minolta has compiled the most promising recruiting strategies for you. They range from an optimised web presence to networking and the support of personnel consultancies.
Are you looking for good employees with talent for your workplace? Then first develop a crystal-clear idea of the desired employee job profile. Because "the talent pool and market for media designers is empty," says a print shop operator. "We are really only looking for media designers who are also strong in sales and customer contact."
1: Optimise your website
If you know exactly what your future colleagues need to bring with them, formulate clear and concise job descriptions for your website to attract talent to a workplace. Consider the human resource management. Clearly highlight the employee skills and qualifications required for digital printing roles, plus the potential for upskilling. Emphasise that talent, creativity and advisory skills are core competencies for high performers who are in high demand. Your company website is often the first point of contact for prospective candidates who are in demand: welcome potential applicants on a Welcome potential applicants to a dedicated careers page where you present your values, culture and development opportunities. As an employer, you should also optimise the site for search engines so that potential applicants can easily find vacancies in your sector.
2: Activate your network
Use your professional network and reach out to people with talent you know in the industry. Talk about career paths, employee vacancies and encourage printers, suppliers and private contacts to recommend suitable candidates with talent. International trade fairs such as drupa, but also regional industry events or graduate congresses are a good way of talking to potential candidates in person and expand your network.
3: Use online job exchanges and platforms
Stepstone, Indeed, LinkedIn and industry-specific forums are a resource and offer an extensive pool of potential employee candidates to attract talent and are excellent for recruiting. Especially for digital printing, it is worth taking a look at dasauge1. As an example, printers from Germany can post their job vacancies for designers, graphic artists, photographers, multimedia and advertising free of charge. Designbjobsboard2 is a good address for the UK. Post jobs on industry-specific platforms and general job boards. Look for detailed descriptions that accurately portray digital printing jobs (see 1).
4: Temporary staffing support
Does your company have urgent short-term employee needs for an urgent large order? Then you should consider temporary and personnel service providers to become part of your company workforce. They can help with a wide network of professionals with digital printing skills and find temporary or project-based talent. An important plus point: during the assignment you can assess the suitability of the test the employee's suitability for a full-time position in your company.
5: Take your cue from the leaders in the industry
Want to know more about effective talent acquisition? Then look at employee job portals, websites and social media to see how your competitors are attracting professionals. Also investigate successful recruiting strategies from industry leaders. And how they retain an employee. Ask the following questions: what platforms are they using, what services are they offering and what employer branding initiatives are in place? Especially in an economy with a labour market shortage, adopt best practices and adapt them to your company's specific skill needs and resources for your sector.
6: Position yourself as a top employer
Demonstrate that your company cares about developing talent by offering insights, training, professional development and opportunities for the expectation of advancement and retention within your company. Also point out flexible working hours - this is also extremely attractive as a benefit to applicants. Highlight employee benefits and opportunities clearly in your job postings and during recruitment interviews.
7: Promote health and social commitment
Become the attractive employer you want to work for. Provide insights and add health and wellness programmes to your employee benefits package. Offer gym memberships, wellness activities and mental health coaching. Show your social commitment by showcasing involvement in community initiatives, sustainability efforts and social responsibility programmes. Not only will these recruitment initiatives help with hiring, they are also important for job retention. Human resource management should also play its part.
The talent war in the digital printing industry is fierce, but with the above strategies, you can find and hire exceptional employee professionals. Define your needs, seek support, network to the best of your ability and showcase your company's assets on all channels - with a talent shortage in the market, a multifaceted hiring approach to the market is the best strategy!
For more information, visit
Konica Minolta's careers page.