Creating economic, ecological and social value
As well as being able to influence people's opportunities and living conditions on many levels, companies are expected to contribute to solving the biggest social and environmental challenges.
Fully 65% of consumers believe that companies can solve social challenges better than governments (42%) or NGOs (57%).
We adopt sustainable and responsible business conduct
A corporate strategy that focuses exclusively on maximising shareholder benefit doesn't meet the challenges companies face, and the expectations on them. But with strong and transparent governance, companies can apply sustainable and responsible business practices and so fulfil their social and environmental responsibilities.
Konica Minolta therefore adopts sustainable and responsible business conduct that creates economic, environmental and social value in equal measure. This underlines our intention to be a company that works to solve environmental and social problems while achieving business growth. At the same time, we recognise respect for human rights as a basic principle of business activities.
We support human rights
Respect for human rights is one of the most basic requirements in our business activities. This is defined in the Konica Minolta
Group Charter of Corporate Behaviour,
Human Rights Policy and
Supplier Code of Conduct. Under these policies, the Group respects human rights and conducts human rights due diligence, and asks its business partners to do the same.
Our human rights due diligence system allows us to:
- Identify potential and actual human rights risks that our business activities could pose to stakeholders
- Review and implement measures to prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts
- Disclose information on progress
In addition, we're working to ensure compliance with the upcoming
EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (CSDDD), aligning our risk management, reporting and remedial processes to its requirements.
Supplier code of conduct
Globally, Konica Minolta has been working since 2013 to align its procurement to ESG (formerly CSR, corporate social responsibility) best practices through compliance with the industry-standard
Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct at Group level. Building on the RBA's work, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe has developed its own, even more robust,
Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets out clear expectations that our suppliers will:
- Comply with applicable laws and regulations and with internationally recognised ESG standards
- Make best efforts to implement the same standards among their own suppliers and subcontractors
To identify actual or potential adverse human rights impacts within our supply chain, we're implementing a risk management system as well as preventive measures to proactively drive higher standards.
Find out more about our
supply chain management.

We're committed to a framework for compliance and good governance
Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD)
The upcoming CSRD is an extensive European legislative project relating to governance and regulatory compliance. It sets new standards for corporate sustainability reporting within annual financial statements, ensuring that sustainability will be:
- Anchored in corporate reporting
- Integrated into a corporation’s financial reporting
- Put on an equal footing with financial information and performance
The CSRD includes qualitative statements on strategy as well as extensive quantitative information using KPIs that cover areas such as climate, water, pollution, biodiversity and circular economy. In addition, social aspects and occupational health and safety topics are addressed, and the role of governance, risk and compliance is significantly upgraded.
Konica Minolta in Europe is already taking action to fulfil the requirements that will apply to the European headquarters and some of its subsidiaries from 2026.
Data protection and GDPR
The Konica Minolta Group works to remain at the forefront of global best practice in data protection. Ahead of the introduction of GDPR in 2018, the Group implemented a forward-thinking
data protection and GDPR policy that went beyond GDPR requirements. We apply this policy globally to ensure our customers experience the highest level of protection, no matter where they're located.
Prevention of fraud, corruption and money-laundering
We look to continually improve our processes, policies and guidelines for the prevention of fraud, corruption and money laundering. We've implemented an
Anti-Fraud/Corruption Policy; a
European Anti-Money-Laundering Policy; and a
Whistleblowing Policy that aligns and complies with the EU Whistleblowing Directive.
These policies are backed up by a comprehensive system for compliance reporting and training.
Artificial intelligence (AI) policy
Given the rapid uptake of AI-powered products and services, we've established an
AI Policy to ensure a common understanding of the appropriate use of AI throughout the Group; and unite its members in actively using AI to contribute to creating a better, human-centric society.